Friday, February 22, 2013

Ramos W30HD Firmware Update Guide

I'm not responsible for any bricked devices. I will attempt to help you out best way I can if you do run into a problem but as I said I'm not responsible for any bricked devices.

Alright this is a guide that will walk you through how to upgrade your Ramos W30HD Firmware exactly how I did it and it worked perfectly on my W30HD. If you have anything important on the tablet make a backup as this will wipe the tablet clean of all data.

This guide assumes you have your Micro SD already plugged into your computer and ready to go. And speaking of Micro SD cards I used a 16GB Kingston class 8 which worked fine but YMMV concerning cards and or card readers.

1: Download the update either from the official download mirror here or find another speedier mirror. Don't ask me to post it somewhere else because no offense but I can't be bothered I slowly downloaded it overnight so it didn't kill me.

2: Unzip the folder so you should have 3 things within the folder. A folder for Winimage, A .vhd file that says Ramos_xxxxx.vhd and a .doc file.

3: Take the Ramos_xxxxx.vhd file, and if it has any Chinese characters in the name delete them, and move them somewhere out of the folder. I moved mine to the desktop because Winimage doesn't like Chinese Characters so you either have to rename the folder or just move the file.

4: Download WinImage from here and install it. I tried using the bundled Winimage in the download and it didn't work so I just downloaded it from the source.

5: Launch WinImage as an administrator if possibly.

6: Under the Disk menu select "Restore Virtual Hard Disk Image on Physical Drive."

7: Select your Micro SD card. If for some reason it doesn't show up you can try checking the box that says "Include Non removable hard disk(s)." If that doesn't work try a different card and or card reader.

8: Navigate to the Ramos_xxxxxxxx.vhd file wherever you put it and select open. And wait for the disk to be written.

9: Power down the tablet and install the Micro SD card into the slot.

10: While holding the volume up button, which is the 3rd from the left when holding the tablet horizontally, press the power on button and hold both until it shows Updating on the screen. I waited about 10 seconds after it said updating on my screen before releasing anything.

11: Wait for it to be done and it should reset itself and then launch with the fully updated firmware.

After your first boot you may notice 2 lines of pixels and lines around the center part of your screen. Ramos claims this is totally normal and I did have them on mine but they will go away after a while. Mine took about 20 minutes to fully go away.

12: Optional But because it wasn't shown anywhere if your Micro SD card doesn't show it's maximum volume you have to Format it. I used SD Formatter 4 which you can get here to restore the card to it's maximum volume.

13: Optional If you need/want root my old method posted here still works just fine for getting the W30HD rooted.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, I was having trouble and this took care of it Appreciate the help.
